Create your own content & data platform!
On the one hand, content, and in particular video (😉 ), is popular. Appreciated by customers, allowing to enhance the brand's discourse and expertise and, on the other hand, you need to have a real data culture...
what if you developed your own content & data platform?
Why opt for a content platform?
Yes, it is an additional budget to develop this type of platform, and here are 4 major reasons to convince you of the interest of such a platform:
More thana separate section on your site or a single tweet, the platform allows you to show that your company is a source of knowledge that you share via a powerful medium.
Stronger conversion thanks to a clear editorial lineYourplatform has a structured, categorised editorial structure that allows you to direct your content for better conversion.
Better visibility for your company and its expertiseTheplatform uses the talent and expertise of your employees ... the content of a platform shows where the expertise lies in your company.
Stronger, more engaged communityContentplatforms are a catalyst for building community and generating opinions from the many interactions they generate.
Understanding your audience to better meet their expectations? Data analysis.
A content platform plays a pivotal role between serving the needs of the company (advisors, sales, marketing) and answering the questions of partners and end customers.
To make your content strategy relevant, you must first understand and identify the topics on which your targets may need your insights.
2 data sources need to be used.
1) The CRM data of your customers collected at all points of contact (email behaviour, shop, customer service, etc.), which allows you to identify typical profiles, is an essential basis.
2) Undertake an in-depth analysis of your website statistics.
Based on the analysis of these two types of data, you will be able to understand the concerns of your prospects and customers and thus adapt your business and marketing content.
Secondly, "Tell me what you read, I'll tell you who you are", the analysis of reading trends will allow you to refine and enrich your content strategy to satisfy your audiences
And also ...
In terms of distribution strategy, and in the interests of consistency and communication power, "Your content platform should be a sort of central hub where you publish your content. All the other channels (blog, Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram or even offline extensions) gravitate around it like satellites."
Content platforms have a future because they better reflect your expertise as a company. Better than a single tweet, blog post or Instagram photo can do.
They not only provide a clear context and make your content whole, but also give your content marketing a coherent and relevant profile.
Let's meet!
Our digital experts would be delighted to meet with you to discuss your future communication strategy and to work together to engage and enhance your plan through visual, audio & editorial solutions AND their optimized distribution!
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